Accelerating Web Application Engineering & Development with IITC
Category: Case Studies

Accelerating Web Application Engineering & Development with IITC

The Challenge:
In the fast-paced field service software industry, our client aimed to maintain their market dominance through frequent and solid software releases. However, they needed a high-performing partner to support their engineering and development efforts.
Our Solution
We stepped in with a comprehensive, Agile methodology that transformed their software development process:
  • Initialization: We started by collecting project artifacts and analyzing them to develop a clear understanding of the requirements and expectations.
  • Implementation: Our team organized the engineering and development process into Agile “sprints”. These short life cycles enabled us to deliver software releases swiftly and efficiently.
  • Handoff: We ensured that the product goals were successfully achieved and verified by the team.
Results and Benefits:
Our collaboration led to significant outcomes:
  • We managed to release a major software update in just a few months, a timeline that industry experts believed would take others twice or even thrice as long.
  • By leveraging an onshore/offshore team model, we provided approximately 60% cost savings to the project.
  • Our client continued to dominate the field service software industry, reinforcing their market leadership.