Web Application Engineering & Development Services
Category: Success Stories

Web Application Engineering & Development Services


A client wished to maintain its dominance in the field service software industry by producing frequent and solid software releases to the market, and they needed a partner who could provide high performers to support them during engineering and development effort.

The Solution

SynergieGlobal team applied a comprehensive, robust and Agile methodology that included the following:

  • Initialization: After project kickoff, project artifact collection and analysis began in order to develop requirements/expectations.
  • Implementation: Engineering and development were organized in “sprints,” which have a short life cycle, enabling the team to perform Agile delivery of releases.
  • Handoff: The team verified that the product goals had been successfully achieved
Results & Benefits
  • SynergieGlobal team and the client were able to release a major software release in months (which industry experts said that it might take others double/triple the time).
  • SynergergieGlobal leveraged onshore/offshore team model, which resulted in providing ~60% of cost-savings to the project.
  • Our client continued dominating the field service software.